Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mom’s 10 Commandments

A little while back, I made this list of Mom’s 10 Commandments. It essentially answered the question: what were the rules and nagging phrases that my mom recited over the years when she was forced to endure me as a child? Here’s what I came up with:

1.         Thou shall listen. Listening is how we show that we love.
2.         Thou shall sweat. Work without sweat is lazy.
3.         Thou shall hug. Everyone needs to be held.
4.         Thou shall laugh, otherwise you’ll cry.
5.         Thou shall get out. You’re letting all the hot air in.
6.         Thou shall give. Never miss an opportunity to help.
7.         Thou shall learn. Your head’s not full yet.
8.         Thou shall dream. Dream all you want. Dreaming’s free.
9.         Thou shall remember. Cherish the love you’ve had.
10.       Thou shall eat. Skinny’s not healthy.

This is an interesting exercise since it forces you to not only remember your own childhood but see parenting from Mom’s point of view. What would be your Mom’s 10 Commandments? Give it some thought. Chances are you can rattle off at least the top three.


  1. This comic is destined to be a classic. :o)

    Regarding my mother. She had several key phrases she used. The first ones that pops in my head are,

    "Never laugh at another's misfortune."

    "I don't need a cheerleader."

    "Shut the door, we don't want to air condition St. Pete."

  2. Marian - Your last mother quote reminds me of another one that my mom frequently said: "Close the door, you're letting all the heat out." This was often very confusing for both me and my brother, since it was usually hotter outside. In retrospect, she was probably unintentionally re-quoting her mother, which makes far more sense considering she grew up in Pittsburgh. But as a kid, she'd rattle off this mom-ism and confuse the heck out of me.

  3. "It hurts to be beautiful"
    "Don't look down while you walk, keep you head held high."
    and my grandmother "Never say no to an invitation."

    I wish someone had said, "Dream all you want. Dreaming’s free." But I think I'll start!

    Are you going to needlepoint this in your living room?
